Thanks for Thái

It looks like a new chapter of the #dorkdancing journey is upon us. Instead of joining me at Dork Dancing, like on that very first day on June 14th, you are now hosting, without me. Mondays & Wednesdays you will be there and I won’t.
This is new. It feels different. It’s a first. Another good one.
You claim a lot of firsts: from the first dork dancer to the most active dork dancer to the first dork dancing host, you are leading by example, inspiring others to take a stand for mental health. This is a new, exciting chapter worth recognizing. It’s a time for me to pause and express what this means. It’s a moment that matters.
Setting you up with Dork Dancing equipment, for your first day hosting, felt like getting a little brother ready for his first day at school. You looked more than ready, eager and excited for the day ahead.
You have quiet confidence. You are right: you are ready, and that makes me proud. I have witnessed tremendous growth, and this is just another step in your, and our, journey.
At first you hid behind a coconut tree. Watched and turned around. And then you made a different decision: to dance with fear. Ever since, you haven't been able to stop dancing. You have tremendous purpose & power in your steps.
You have been to over 50 #dorkdancing events on the beach, advocating for a cause outside of yourself. Your actions speak louder than your words. We hear you and we see you quite clearly. Although you are only 20 years old and still a student, you are clearly an emerging leader for others to look up to.
You accepted invitation after invitation, challenge after challenge. Whether dancing in public, speaking in public, or interviewing with national media, you consistently rise to a challenge. You feel the fear, appreciate what it is, and work with it. You aren't running away. You are stepping up. Showing others what is possible.
Thai, if it weren’t for you, who knows where #dorkdancing would be right now. Certainly, it wouldn’t be what it is today. You have so much to take credit for. You took such a tremendous social risk by deciding to join a stranger dancing out in public. That risk made it easier for others: it inspired them. You turned something strange, weird, and crazy into something cool, fun, and interestingly powerful.
This isn’t something that you just did once. You do it time and time again. With each decision to dance, you validated the #dorkdancing idea (day after day) while inspiring others to join. You built community and now you are doing it again, showing others how to lead.
You lead with your heart and follow with great courage. Thai, you are responsible for making #dorkdancing what it is. You and me, we have shared a lot together. It’s a journey unlike any other and this is just another moment. Another step in our journey. Something to savour.
Saying bye to you, with that banner & bag on your back, that was something special. Thanks Thai, for everything. Until soon.