New Experiment: Dork Dancing at Dawn


Here in Da Nang, Vietnam, we dance every single day at the same time and location: 5PM by the beach. Our community is built around a late afternoon availability. What might happen if we try waking up 12 hours earlier? Maybe something interesting. 

The Vietnamese like to wake up early. If you walk on the beach at 5:30AM, you will see exactly this. An active, engaged community of early risers enjoying the sunrise while getting in a morning workout. On nice days, the beach is full of life and activity, it’s something impressive to see. In short, there’s lots of people, which means there’s potential to identify new and interested dorks. 


This idea belongs to Michael, a Dork Dancing host. He is introducing this whole concept to the community. Michael will be spearheading the initiative, experimenting with the idea and taking notes. He has no expectations. If it works well, he will continue. If it doesn’t, we tried something interesting and learned some things on the way. 

We hope that Dork Dancing at Dawn might add some value to the Da Nang & Dork Dancing communities. We understand everyone’s sleeping schedule is a bit different. This one is for those ambitious & active early risers. 

We are starting next Thursday at our typical location. Hope to see you bright and early, #dorkdancing on that beach!

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Dork Dancing is a grassroots mental health initiative, campaign, and community effort. We depend entirely on charitable giving to inspire impact. We hope you may consider supporting by donating.


Calling for DORKS


Mon, the Magnificent