Mon, the Magnificent

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She’s a ball of energy. She communicates more with her body than her words. She’s small and powerful. At Dork Dancing, she goes all out, embracing her inner dork without hesitation. Arms & legs extended, a side attack, with laughter. This is Mon, she’s been #dorkdancing with us for nearly 6 months. And she’s ready for the next chapter; she’s ready to host.

Mon first learned about Dork Dancing through Tram, another Dork Dancing host volunteer (Tram started about two months ago!). They are really close to one another. It’s not surprising that Mon is stepping up and volunteering too. While confident on the dance floor, Mon carries other forms of social shyness. Hosting would confront that. Mon, is following Tram’s leadership, and is ready herself for the challenge of hosting.


Mon can be shy. True. She can be quiet. True. But she’s packed with evidence that suggests shyness and quietness cannot be confused for weakness. She knows who she is: she’s strong. 

Often, at Dork Dancing, she shows us her arms flexed with the biggest grin. 

“I want to try make playlist to fill everybody energy. In the past, I was so shy to talk with people so I want to give a try to overcome it. I gonna smash the day. I gonna make great host” 

Mon claims confidence and that’s something inspiring. 

We can’t wait to Dork Dance with Mon. Her energy is infectious. She’s hilarious. She’s strong. That’s Mon, and she’s our latest and greatest Dork Dancing host.

Dork Dancing is a grassroots mental health initiative, campaign, and community effort. We depend entirely on charitable giving to inspire impact. We hope you may consider supporting by donating.


New Experiment: Dork Dancing at Dawn


HCMC is Ready