Dorks of Da Nang


Have you heard of Humans of New York? Well, we are inspired. We want to do something similar, but with a twist; something called Dorks of Da Nang. The purpose of the project would parallel the purpose of all of our activities: to do something good for mental health. 

Through Dorks of Da Nang, we will work to capture the essence of the dork community. Who are these dorks, dancing for mental health? What makes them dorky, and what is a piece of their mental health message/ story? A quick capture. Some videos, photos and quotes. 


At the heart of this project is visual storytelling, and we have two dorks in the community who are particularly good at that: Marcus (videography) & Olga (photography). Marcus is spearheading a Dork Dancing documentary and Olga is leading Call Us MENTAL photography, Dork Dancing photography, and VEGAN Dork Dinners

As dorks, we have unique and diverse stories, personalities, and identities. Dorks of Da Nang will work to capture parts of our character and perspective. 

While Dorks of Da Nang is still in its early concept, we are excited about the potential of the idea. We think it has the potential to move people, and that’s what we are all about. We are working to inspire people and get dorks moving (dancing!) for mental health. 


Happy World Bipolar Day?!


Happy Holi!