Color Dork Dancing at Holi Festival

Dancing freely, sober, in public with friends is a lot of fun. And so is throwing colors at one another. This upcoming Saturday, we will be doing both. 


Thanks to Surabhi, a dork in our community, residents of Da Nang, Vietnam will get to try something called “Holi Festival,” a Hindu festival known as the festival of love, colors, and Spring. The festival celebrates good over evil, and is a time for new beginnings. The day is really about having fun and being carefree.

The collaboration between Dork Dancing and the Holi Festival happened simultaneously and serendipitously. 

Bence, a dork dancing host, thought, “wow, wouldn’t it be fun if we organized something like the Color Run, where we throw colors at each other but while dancing?" Surabhi, a dork in the community thought, “wow, wouldn’t it be energizing if we brought Dork Dancing to the Holi Festival?” They thought these thoughts independently and coincidentally. 


Then Bence discovered Holi Festival. We reached out. Surabhi laughed, “the universe.” We were her next call. 

After exploring details, we have something exciting to announce. Color Dork Dancing is happening at the Holi Festival this upcoming Saturday! Dork Dancing will be part of the program. They are accommodating our daily schedule. Still 5:00-6:00PM on the beach, but there will be a few differences. 

We aren’t meeting at our daily location because we are moving to the festival, which is still on the beach of Da Nang, more north. And this event will have a small fee of 50k to cover the costs of the colors (pay at the door/ time of the event). This will be the first time ever that Dork Dancing is changing locations and paying, but we think its worth it. Something the community will enjoy. 


For Dorks who have time to stay after, there’s an ability to upgrade the ticket for 70k, which will give more access to the festival’s activities. This upgrade will be offered at the event, after dancing. 

As a community, we are really excited to give this Holi Festival a try, and we are proud of Surabhi for organizing this entire thing. It’s not easy to organize a festival, but Surabhi is a dork, she understands the importance of being free, having fun, and bringing the community together. 


Thank you Surabhi for collaborating with us, #dorkdancing with us, and being supportive of our cause, mental health, in a number of ways within the community.

Dork Dancing is a grassroots mental health initiative, campaign, and community effort. We depend entirely on charitable giving to inspire impact. We hope you may consider supporting by donating.


Happy Holi!


BIG Dork Dance, Now a Thing