Now Dork Dancing TWICE/ Day


Here in Da Nang, the lockdowns get stricter and stricter. We can hardly move. There’s police blocking every district. If we leave the home, we will likely be monitored. If you need to cross a district line, it’s a negotiation — even if you simply need to get food. From the beginning of May to now (the beginning of August) we have been mostly in lockdown. That’s a lot of months, and it likely won’t end anytime soon. 

If you spend enough time indoors, the walls in your room can start to take different shape, looking much more like a cage. And with restricted freedom of movement, sometimes a restricted mind can follow. The pressure builds and builds. We need outlets. We need each other, because day by day, we are going crazy. 


These lockdowns are tough, but we are a resilient bunch. For the first time yet, starting tomorrow, we are offering #dorkdancing for mental health TWICE a day. We are going to continue with our ONLINE Sunrise Dork Dancing, and then we will add once more our traditional #dorkdancing at 5PM. Hope to see you online!


Hosting Dork Dancing: Warmup & Ending


Calling for (Digital) DORKS in the USA