Jorn: DORK DJ in the HOUSE!


The time has finally come.  It’s official. For the very first time, yes, we have our very own DORK DJ! His name is Jorn and during our 3rd lockdown in Da Nang Vietnam, he is stepping up, hosting #dorkdancing for mental health. 


A few years ago, Jorn DJ’ed. That was his thing. Well, that and a few other things: event organizer, club manager, promoter, producer, stage director, music producer, & owner of an events production company. When sitting down with Jorn, he casually mentioned that he organized festivals. He spoke of this HUGE responsibility quite simply, almost as if it was part of his routine. For Jorn, mixing music and hosting awesome events comes naturally. He’s done it for years, but took a break. 

During lockdown, with #dorkdancing taking place every day, Jorn has signaled that the right moment or opportunity has come. He is ready to give his “alter-ego” another spin. He will host every Monday. He’s excited. As a matter of fact, he’s already started. No hesitation, only interest.

Witnessing Jorn let loose with us, as a host, was something special. He came prepared with all of the necessary equipment and more. He played the drums, sounded the mic, and took lead. He let the dork out, communicating high energy. This was something inspiring to see. 

Jorn is doing this for the community because he cares about our mental health cause. Jorn has an incredibly powerful mental health story, something that we look forward to sharing with the community in more detail in the coming weeks. For now, we can enjoy Jorn in his full presence. 

We have dork danced for NEARLY 12 months and never have we had a professional DJ sign up to host our free, charitable events. This is something refreshing and exciting. We are so grateful for Jorn and the energy and excitement he is inspiring within others. It’s nice to have him with us. We hope you can join us on Monday’s at at 5PM Vietnam time, where we can welcome Jorn: the first official DORK DJ.

Dork Dancing is a grassroots mental health initiative, campaign, and community effort. We depend on charitable giving to inspire impact. We hope you may consider supporting by donating.


3rd Lockdown, Pass


A Whole New World