BIG Dork Dance, Now a Thing

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A cloudy afternoon. Unsure what turnout will be, but optimistic dorks will still show up. At 5PM, any doubt dissolved. The warmup larger than last. Dork after dork came in, joining the circle, growing larger and larger. The warmup lasted a full 15-20 minutes, so many people and dorky moves to get through. The warmup let us loose. 

Yes, this was something great. Again high energy. Something we might begin to expect at our “BIG Dork Dance.” In Da Nang, we’re making this official. This is now a thing, a new monthly event.

We started last month for our Dork Dancing documentary, and because it went so well (over 90 dorks joined!), we decided to do it again. Why not? It creates awareness and it’s a lot of fun. The more dorks who decide to join us on the beach, the more notable the campaign and the greater our potential for impact. 

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Spread awareness, get more dorks dancing for mental health, have fun dancing together, share that and repeat. Invite people in. That’s our process and it’s a process we are falling in love with. It seems to work and there’s something quite rewarding about it. 

The smiles. The laughter. The high energy. Something wonderful to absorb. 

Bence, our Sunday host, threw down, doing what he does best: playing amazing music and energizing the crowd. At times, directing their moves, inspiring group dance coordination. Everyone drop low. Everyone move out. Everyone, hands in the middle. Everyone, JUMP!!

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Today, an estimated 65+ joined us on the beach. In total, a bit smaller than last month, but comparable. The event attracts a crowd. 

We can say with confidence, these BIG Dork Dance events are effective and helpful. They draw in new dorks, while reminding old dorks that we are still here, #dorkdancing everyday. After dancing freely with so many people on the beach, it’s hard to feel any way but good. 

As a community and campaign fighting for a mental health cause, we feel quite grateful for the dorks who are coming together. When we dance, we share purpose. Until next month!

Dork Dancing is a grassroots mental health initiative, campaign, and community effort. We depend entirely on charitable giving to inspire impact. We hope you may consider supporting by donating.


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