The BIG Online Dork Dance is Happening!
The BIG Online Dork Dance is happening!
As Danang settles into it’s third lock down, the Dork Dancing community has responded in an explosive show of energy none of us could have expected. Without fail more Dorks are joining the virtual dance floor everyday and getting their fix of feel good, energy fueled vibes. This response has been incredible to say the least.
Although Dork Dancing has been online for a while it’s, so far, been a smaller group.
We were initially apprehensive whether moving our regular dance from the beach to online would be something the regular beach dancing, offline, community would resonate with. For many of us the idea of dancing online in-front of a camera and a bunch strangers is “cringe”, uncomfortable, and not something you’d think of as enjoyable.
Man, were we wrong.
The most interesting thing we’re seeing is the number of Dorks, who’ve never danced online before, express their surprise at how quickly their perceptions of online dancing changed. This past Friday our host, Tram, played an extra 20 minutes to the biggest online dance yet as dancers’ microphones un-muted and shouts of “one more!” rang out.
We hear your calls… and our reply, loud.
Before the lock down we held three incredible “Big Dork Dances” at My Ky Beach, bringing at least 70 people together each event.
So, on Sunday, 23 May, we’re bringing the Big Dork Dance into the online arena for one big, socially distanced gathering to once again promote mental and physical health.
Who is this for?
Simply, for anyone. Whether you’re young or old, like to dance, want to get a bit of exercise or, just having a good or bad day, you can join.
We understand dancing in front of others might stop some of us from joining an event like this, no one needs to have their camera on, anyone is free to turn it off and join privately. And, if you’re not into dancing, just listening to the diverse selection of incredible music is worth the experience.
How to join?
Join the Facebook event for details, updates and reminders here
If you haven’t already, download and install the Zoom app on your smart phone or laptop.
On Sunday, 23 May click this link to join the Zoom dance.
We dance!
Our First BIG Dork Dance Online. 22 Dorks joined us online! Here is the full 1 hour plus, to see what it looks like. You can join us on Learn more about online Dork Dancing here.