DD Online vs. Lockdown #3

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There’s a few new cases of COVID19 in Vietnam. We know what that means: lockdown. Vietnam responds to the threat quickly & powerfully. That’s how Vietnam is winning the war against COVID19. As residents in Vietnam during this pandemic we understand the drill. We are responding in a way that we are already accustomed: we are bringing Dork Dancing back online, welcoming ONLINE DD vs. Lockdown #3. 

The second lockdown lasted about 6 weeks, and we dork danced for 41 days straight. For many of us, Dork Dancing was something helpful to keep us sane and moving within the limits of lockdown. 

For Lockdown #3, we have no idea how long this will last and how severe the restrictions will be. Already the beach, bars, gyms, and most all businesses are closed. So, we are preparing for the long-haul, just in case, and jumping right back to Zoom without missing a beat.

8 months have passed since the last lockdown and a lot of progress has been made. Now we have an entire team of Dork Dancing hosts. This makes hosting online much more possible, sustainable, and exciting, the responsibility and joy is shared. 


As a team, we do not want people to feel worse as a consequence of this new lockdown. We want to keep up the momentum and good vibes. We can continue to connect, dance, and laugh despite being physically separated. We are well-accustomed to dancing publicly on the beach together, so we will work to transition once more to the online setting. For most all of the DD hosts, this will be something new AND exciting. 

With each lockdown presents new opportunity for Dork Dancing to try new things, innovate, and grow. It’s our hope that this lockdown might spur new ideas and help us reach new people, like lockdowns have done for us in the past. 

We get it. Staying indoors with restricted freedoms is tough. We will miss the beach, the gym, and the activity of normal social life. But we understand this is a small price to pay for long-term psychological and physical safety. Vietnam has done an incredible job in acting swiftly and beating this virus. It’s easy to comply when we know this will keep us safe. Physical safety is a foundation for psychological safety. And for this we are grateful. 

If lockdown lasts a long time, we suspect the toll on our mental health will grow. That’s why we are here: to help with that. That’s why we are #dorkdancing.

For those in Vietnam, we will continue to meet EVERY DAY at 5PM. Instead of meeting at the beach, we will meet here: www.zoom.dorkdancing.com.

Dork Dancing is a grassroots mental health initiative, campaign, and community effort. We depend on charitable giving to inspire impact. We hope you may consider supporting by donating.


ONLINE DD: New & Improved


Good Morning, Da Nang!