I Was 6 When I First Started to Face Challenges
Anonymous Anonymous

I Was 6 When I First Started to Face Challenges

This is my story. I was 6 when I first started to face challenges. My parents divorced when I was younger and we had to leave our mum to live with our dad I remember the day they told us with every detail. After that I was 11 and my brother got on top of me and assaulted me and it affects me a lot because I cant remember anything about it apart from how old I was and how old he was.

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My Life is a Mess
Anonymous Anonymous

My Life is a Mess

Hi, I wanted to share my mental health story, so here it is: I was neglected and emotionally abused for most of my childhood. Neither of my parents were in the picture, my father left willingly, my mom didn’t. I have severe ADHD that was diagnosed at age 7, and on top of that I was a “gifted kid”, all of this put a lot of strain on my mental state from a young age, but it didn’t get bad until I was in sixth grade. 

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Still Anxious
Anonymous Anonymous

Still Anxious

I didn’t realize I had so much anxiety, until I REALIZED I had so much anxiety. Anxiety was just part of my day to day life. It was my, “I’m an introvert and I need to recharge” excuse. It wasn’t until I was in the most peaceful place that I noticed how much anxiety I actually carried around with me.

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Writing is Damn Difficult
Ethan Levy Ethan Levy

Writing is Damn Difficult

Millions of people suffer from depression and the saddest thing is they suffer alone. They suffer alone because they are afraid to let anyone know they suffer. They isolate themselves to hide their condition because of the stigma attached to mental illness. They suffer alone and my heart goes out to each and every one of them.  

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Anonymous Anonymous


If you’re reading this, and you’re in those tunnels and those same demons have their claws around your ankles and your shoulders and your throat, please know that I know, that millions of other people know the horror of where you’re at. You’re going through hell. So please, I’m begging you, keep going.

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Lost Half Naked Across the World
Ethan Levy Ethan Levy

Lost Half Naked Across the World

My mind was lost but so was my body. I had no idea where I was, walking endlessly throughout the night. I had a series of strange experiences that were difficult to explain.

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Overwhelmed to Paralysis
Ethan Levy Ethan Levy

Overwhelmed to Paralysis

And that’s exactly what it was like, a dream. Until it turned into a nightmare. This nightmare was self-designed. A personal hell. I believed the government would eventually coerce me to commit an act of domestic terrorism. Unfortunately I lived in this nightmare for weeks. I struggled to get myself out of it because I had zero awareness that my beliefs were simply untrue.

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