I Was 6 When I First Started to Face Challenges


This is my story.

I was 6 when I first started to face challenges. My parents divorced when I was younger and we had to leave our mum to live with our dad I remember the day they told us with every detail. After that I was 11 and my brother got on top of me and assaulted me and it affects me a lot because I cant remember anything about it apart from how old I was and how old he was.

After that my dad got a girlfriend and she moved in our house with her son as well her son got a girlfriend who became my best friend someone I trusted with everything someone I wanted in my life forever. I then lost my best friend to suicide when I was 14 and I can't even get my nails done because that's the last thing she said to me and it makes me think about her too much and it hurts to know she isn't here anymore. After that when she left shall we say her boyfriend decided to use me to help him by touching me inappropriately for over 4 years and then his cousin decided to join and I was being assaulted by 2 people at the same time.

Then everything got too much and I started self harming at 15 and it is hard to get over but I have managed it for a while now and I've been clean for a while. I then tried to take my life for the first time when I was 16 and I was referred to mental health services ever since I have been referred to lots of different places but none are really helping.

I have moved schools several times and I was bullied in every one, it got so bad that my mum has been banned from pretty much every school I've been in due to the bullying. After the bullying I developed an eating disorder and I have been struggling with this eating disorder for a year now. All together I was bullied for 7 years.

Now I find it hard to make friends and I am extremely anxious getting close to someone incase they hurt me some how and if I see people I will go the completely opposite way no matter how much longer it takes me. But now I have a girlfriend and I am OK I still have really bad days but I'm OK and I am coping with the support of my loved ones. And I am in recovery for my eating disorder.



My Life is a Mess