Resilient Dorks Launches

Resilient Dorks is about delivering an education rooted in Positive Psychology, helping our community cultivate the kinds of habits that will lead to a healthier, happier life. Through Dork Events, we do everything that we can to serve a Mental Health Mission, experimenting with different ideas to provide mental health value. 


Resilient Dorks is an exciting new addition, providing value in an entirely different way. While most of our Dork Events center around playful activity, resilient dorks carries a more professional tone. We are most used to playing our way into good mental health, but we want to be taught about it too. There’s lots of work for us to learn and do to improve our wellbeing. Time to take notes.

Resilient Dorks got started to educate and elevate our community. After launching the event only a few days ago, it is quite evident that this is already happening. A new sub-dork community is emerging. 


After introducing the event to our community, 24 Dorks (both new and familiar) decided to attend. It’s clear. People care about mental health and want to improve. Learning exactly what we can do to improve is relevant and important.

The workshop highlighted some important ideas. Kelsey started by introducing herself and defining key ideas. She explained Positive Psychology as the scientific study of living a good life. Significant research in the field reveals strategies that will enhance our wellbeing. This is powerful stuff. With some self-awareness, we can actively participate in the science of living well and reap its rewards.


The workshop included definitions, explanations, discussions, activities, and exercises even to take home. The workshop ended with an invitation for attendees to continue their work at Dork Meetups, led by Mily, where Dorks can come together to actively support one another in our mental wellness journeys. There, we presented our Workbook

The launch of new Dork Events is an exciting time. It’s a time of growth, learning, and discovery. Something new for all of us. The launch of Resilient Dorks, and its positive reception, gives us greater confidence moving forward. We’re doing something right. We’re doing something good for mental health.

Dork Dancing is a grassroots mental health idea, campaign, and community. Our efforts depend entirely on charitable giving to inspire impact. We hope you may consider supporting by donating.


Social Relationships: The Most Important Missing Ingredient


How & Why Resilient Dorks Got Started