Planning Lets Get MENTAL
Rewind months ago, back to early July. Sitting at the table brainstorming ideas, a dork (Mily) suggested an idea: we could even create a dork, mental health festival to raise awareness and create more impact! The idea was bold & big, but distant and left alone.
Fast forward to today (5 months later) and now Kelsey, another dork, is revisiting the idea. Kelsey, a positive psychology coach, is a leader in the Da Nang community. She knows people and people know her. She is organized and gets stuff done. Within the Dork, mental health community, she leads Resilient Dorks Workshops and Mental Health Da Nang.
The start of this festival idea made complete sense to her. There’s a community need for mental health, she’s passionate about the cause, and she loves festivals. It was a fit.
Has she ever organized a festival before? No. Does that hold her back? Of course not. Kelsey has a vision for this and wants to make this festival thing happen, so she’s doing that. Simple.
Now, she’s adding the festival to her list of community mental health initiatives. She’s getting a close friend, Gabby, involved to help. They have a suggestion: Lets Get MENTAL. People coming together doing activities for mental health. It’s a celebration. Here’s what the proposal looks like…
Rough outline, with date and details subject to change (new date, Saturday March 13th 2021).
Throughout the planning process, our friends at The Workshop have provided guidance and support. They have experience, ideas, relationships, and partnerships to leverage and lend. We are leaning on that. Yesterday, thanks to their help, we scheduled a meeting at The Vanessa Beach Club to scope out a potential location for this event.
The visit was productive. The team liked the venue and the venue seemed to like Kelsey’s pitch. Here’s some photos and videos to showcase the visit.
While our location is not yet confirmed, we have confidence that these details and the larger vision will unfold nicely. If all goes well, we will be dancing, listening, speaking, learning, laughing, and dorking out on March 13th. Stay tuned.