HCMC Takes on #dorkdancing

Zoë is the first ever existing Dork Dancer from Da Nang that is bringing #dorkdancing to a new community. She’s starting a new chapter of #dorkdancing because of her positive personal experiences. She tried it out. She loved it. Now she wants to start it elsewhere, helping build this thing into a kind of movement. 

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Zoë first joined digital #dorkdancing during lockdown on our 35th day dancing online. Once lockdown ended, she joined us on the beach of Da Nang. In a matter of weeks, she quickly attended over 10 of our events, coming most everyday. Like many of us, she fell into it unexpectedly. The more she came, the more she enjoyed; #dorkdancing worked well for her. 

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During the same time that Zoë was falling into the #dorkdancing practice, idea, and community, she was also transitioning, getting ready to move to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon).

She packed her things and moved cities, but not without a #dorkdancing plan. She loved #dorkdancing and felt saddened about leaving her new friends in Da Nang but she would not allow this to block her joy. Zoë is taking ownership and responsibility for this mental health idea, deciding to bring #dorkdancing with her and offering it as a resource to her new community.

Zoë made a powerful decision. Wherever she is, #dorkdancing is too. She doesn’t need to depend upon others for dancing joy, she can create that within herself and for others too. Zoë is leading by example, showing that you don’t need to wait for #dorkdancing to come to you. Nor do you need to be where we are. Instead, you need to be with yourself, investing in that. That’s what’s most important. 

When you invest in yourself, you are building confidence, courage & strength. A spirit of playfulness is helpful too. Remember to not take life too seriously and give yourself permission to dance! Most comfortable dancing alone, likely later with friends & family, and hopefully with strangers too.

Zoë is starting to spark something in HCMC. She started by creating a new HCMC #dorkdancing group on Facebook, attracting nearly 100 people within weeks of posting and sharing online. Before leaving Da Nang, she was given some basic materials to help. She received a banner, some business cards, and a small budget to buy new speakers (you too can receive similar support!). 

This past weekend Zoë held her first two events, publicly sharing her journey with photos and videos to capture the fun, contributing to the #dorkdancing energy and spirit. Her events are starting like it did here in Da Nang. One, two people to start. That’s all it takes to get things going. With time, patience, and persistence, maybe things might grow. If not, that’s OK too — we have ourselves and at least a few friends to dance with!

It’s so exciting to see Zoë embark on this journey in a new setting. She’s taking the city by storm, rotating her dance events between different locations and districts within the city. She’s starting to meet new people and already is making it happen. We can’t be more excited to see how things progress! Way to go Zoë, we are with you rooting for ya!!

If you feel inspired to bring #dorkdancing to your community, then we advise following Zoë’s lead: create joy wherever you are. Thus far, we have emerging communities starting in Ho Chi Minh City & Denver!

Please reach out to us directly expressing interest. Any questions or concerns that you have, those can be answered. Any ideas you have? Those can be tested.

You have a community of people waiting to support you in this mental health journey. We will do everything we can to guide and empower you in starting your local mental health #dorkdancing movement.

We are working together to spread something simple, yet powerful. Hope to connect & share this journey of dancing for mental health, with you!

Dork Dancing depends entirely on charitable giving. We hope you may consider supporting by either donating or shopping.


Dork Dancing in Vietnam News! 🎉


Reaching Out for Resources