You’re Not Alone in Loneliness

Sometimes we walk through life, surrounded by others, feeling lonely. Misunderstood, doubted or even attacked with judgement. We may be shamed, and ashamed. Less than. Unseen and unheard — invisible and muted. Disconnected and out of place. Discouraged and unsure. Hurt, walking empty. I am lonely.

Our need to connect is fundamental to who we are as people. It’s wired in our very biology to keep us alive. Isolation and disconnection hurts. Social pain is emotional pain experienced in the body and brain. Loneliness is a serious threat. It contributes to mental illnesses such as depression, which can in turn kill. 

Our world is more connected now than ever before but more lonely too; living in a time of chronic loneliness. In the United States, 46% of the entire population feels lonely regularly. Loneliness is twice as deadly as obesity and as deadly as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. 

Loneliness leads to heart problems, higher stress, and changes in the brain. Feelings of loneliness is normal, because it’s human and part of our design, but living in loneliness is something different. Many of us are there. Loneliness is an epidemic; a public health crisis we need to pay attention to. 

Dork Dancing is doing what we can to help; we are dancing against loneliness.

You are not alone. We are with you. We feel the same way. It’s not the end. There’s more. There’s hope. Keep going. Show up. Turn out. Come out.  Find your music. There’s a way out. 

We can heal, grow, and even celebrate together. Let’s help each other with the pain. It’s not easy. But we can practice going for it. Fuck it. Be you. Unapologetically. Love. You deserve it, and so do they. It spreads. Dancing with others. We are one.

From I to We, Mental Illness becomes Wellness. This is a core belief of ours. We are finding community connection as a most effective solution to mental health challenges.

At Dork Dancing, we understand the importance of close relationships so we are investing in them within our community. If you are feeling lonely, reach out. It can be friends and family, or us, strangers, who want to connect with you. Because hey, we feel lonely too. 

Dork Dancing depends entirely on charitable giving. We hope you may consider supporting by either donating or shopping.


Meet Bence


Launching Dork Dating