We Made a Workbook

Dork Meetups, one of many dork events, is helping people with their mental health by offering a support group that is inspired by action-based solutions. 

What we do everyday matters. It influences how we think and feel. By understanding ourselves and our behaviors better, we can come together to help ourselves and others more effectively too. At Dork Meetups, we reflect to better understand ourselves and to take better action in creating the life we want.

Self-improvement works better with a plan and some intention. So, we created a 100-page workbook to help. The exercises in this workbook were designed by and for the community, with Mily (a dork dancer) leading the way. These exercises are what’s helped us in moments of challenge. Maybe they can help you too.


The workbook captures exercises that spur reflection. In our meetups, we use this workbook to guide our discussions. We are excited to offer this resource to the Dork community, with hopes that it may provide some value. 

For those in Da Nang, you can purchase a physical copy from us directly. From our viewers online, you can either purchase the PDF in our Dork Shop, or download some modules for free, with openness for donation. 

The workbook is a living document, something we want to continuously improve. We aren’t trapped by the myth of perfection, so we ship things out in imperfect fashion, loving how it is today with ideas to improve tomorrow. The creation of this workbook is something we could not foresee, but now that it is here in front of us in physical format, we are excited for the potential it holds. 

Dork Dancing is a grassroots mental health idea, campaign, and community. Our efforts depend entirely on charitable giving to inspire impact. We hope you may consider supporting by donating.


#dorkdancing into 2021


Why Resilient Dorks Meet Up