Upgrade: More digital #dorkdancing (5 times/ week)

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Digital #dorkdancing re-launched at the start of 2021. Since the start of the year, 39 Digital Dork Dancers have danced nearly 100 times together, over the course of 14 online sessions. Out of the 39 Digital Dorks, 33 of them have never danced with us on the beach. Our reach is outside of Da Nang, Vietnam. Introducing new dorks to our dancing seems to be working. 

We started dancing online hosting space only twice a week, both on Mondays. But there’s a lot more times to dance, build community, and spread positive vibes. For this reason, we are offering opportunity for Dorks to now volunteer online, hosting their own digital #dorkdancing sessions. 

Luckily, our small community of digital dorks have responded. 3 volunteers, already, are stepping up to host their own space, offering more times for members of our community to dance online. Giving this kind of space is exactly what we are looking for, because after all, dancing only twice a week doesn’t give our online community too much flexibility (in comparison, we dork dance everyday on the beach). 

The volunteers who are hosting space are dorks who have a history dancing with us. Two of them, Lan & Mily, used to dance with us in Da Nang and have since moved locations. Here you can read about our farewell to Lan and farewell to Mily. It makes sense that they feel sufficiently inspired to volunteer. 

The third volunteer, Daniel, joined us online back in August 2020, during lockdown when we first launched online dancing. Daniel is a friend of Olga’s, and he is joining us from Spain. Daniel has lots of experience dancing online with us, dancing already over 30 or so times.

Marketing our new times is the next challenge. A fear we hold is creating space, dancing online, and nobody joining. We’d like to avoid this if possible. After all, we are working to spread an idea, build community, and provide a resource for others.

So, if you enjoy #dorkdancing in person or online, consider our new times. Now Daniel is hosting 8AM EST on Thursdays, Lan 8AM EST on Sundays, and Mily 8AM EST on Tuesdays. Ethan is still hosting 8AM EST and 8PM EST on Mondays. Here, you can access the full calendar, with all of our links to dance.

Dancing like a dork online is a great way to reconnect with old friends and family, as well as meet dorks from all over the world. Maybe a bit unusual at first, because it’s different, but it turns out as something simple and fun that works. Our hope is this is helpful, especially, for those in lockdown. 

Dork Dancing no matter where you are is something good for mental health. That’s why we are working so hard to spread this idea and practice. Hope to see you online! 

Dork Dancing is a grassroots mental health initiative, campaign, and community effort. We depend entirely on charitable giving to inspire impact. We hope you may consider supporting by donating.


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