Shaving FEAR to Stop the Stigma
Heres a note on fear of judgement. Let me tell you why I’m shaving it.
I, Ethan, have experienced tremendous growth learning how to dance with fear through dork dancing. It has given me a challenge, a community, and a campaign to grow.
Dancing in public was once a danger zone. Now, for me, it’s getting closer to my comfort zone. So I’m thinking of something new, taking another step to challenge the status quo while making a statement: stop the stigma, it hurts mental health.
I’m keeping it dorky & fun.
I’m shaving my beard in half for mental health awareness. The month is September, which is Suicide Awareness Month, so heck, this seems well-fitted for that too. Those who are driven to suicide, I can imagine, were plagued by this issue of judgement. Not accepted for who they were. So yes, judgement and fear of it, wrapped up in shame, can kill.
Let’s accept us, and others for who they are. And let’s work to be a little less judgmental. With half a beard shaved, it’s still me, believe it or not: only now you see two of me.
“Inside every man is only a kid who dreams to play freely like he once did”
At first shock. Likely judgement. Then maybe, hopefully, with time and conversation, understanding. And later acceptance. Who knows, maybe even shared advocacy.
Let’s learn to empathize; to understand. To have those conversations. Let’s treat each other kindly and do our best to not throw swords of judgement. It can be hard. It takes practice.
But that’s why at dork dancing we are developing a system of support within this mental health community. We are working on it, together.
I care what you think, because that influences some how I think. But at a certain point, you form your own opinions and stand for what you believe in.
Luckily for me, I find these social experiments not only tremendously purposeful but genuinely fun & intriguing too, driven by a natural curiosity. Fear, with slow practice over time, can be turned into play.
I think it should be OK to dance like a dork in public. I think it should be OK to shave a beard in half. Judge me if you’d like. Know it affects me, like it does most, but it will not deter me so long as I maintain conviction that I’m doing more good than wrong.
I’m shaving my beard in half to cut off BOTH fear and stigma, sharing a message I find worthwhile. I carry privilege (whiteness being one of the biggest), in my belief that I can safely do this, without being treated as a threat.
There’s always something we are going through under the surface, you just don’t always see it.
This social experiment is another kind of fear exposure therapy.
The results aren’t yet in. I’m only on day one. For some my face is ugly. For others it’s art. I’ve gotten this feedback already. One accepting, the other judging.
Objectively, honestly, you don’t need to think too much about it: it’s just a half shaved beard. And for me, I’m having fun learning from it. Hands on experiments like this are my favorite style of study.
It’s important to play, there’s tremendous opportunity there.
Under a foundation of psychological safety, the world is your playground, with yes potential of injury, or hurt feelings. You fall on the slide and scrape your knee. But you get back and learn to still have fun with it. Find that kid.