Michael’s Got Wednesdays


He’s always there, smiling. Jumping up and down. Swaying his arms left and right to the beat.  About every time, he’s wearing his green Red Bull tank and flat hat. He has a great taste of music and isn’t shy. Instead, he works to make others feel welcomed. He has been with us consistently, for months, dancing in the rain and under the sun. His name is Michael and he is an expat from South Africa who cares about our cause and community. 


Today marks the first day that Michael is hosting #dorkdancing for mental health. Considering how consistent and involved Michael has been in the community, and how much he has supported dorks, it’s only natural for someone like him to take on this leadership role as a host. We couldn’t be more excited, because we know this is the right thing for the community. 

The more we can diversify #dorkdancing leadership, the more evident it becomes that #dorkdancing is a true community effort. Already we have 5 Dork Dancing hosts to cover 7 days of the week. With different hosts, there’s different music, vibes, and energies. The idea of Dork Dancing is the same (free dancing) but everyday is different. 

You never know who will show up, what music will be played, what the weather will be like, how people will feel, or what might unfold. The unpredictability of Dork Dancing adds to some of the adventure. Sometimes a few dorks and other times a few dozen. 

With more hosts, the range of experiences can only grow. Each host adds something different, contributing their own ideas. It’s this type of creative collaboration that has allowed Dork Dancing to grow most powerfully here in Da Nang. 

Right here right now, Michael is hosting #dorkdancing on the beach. With this, a new chapter begins. Thank you Michael for bringing the speakers, hosting the party, and showing us how it’s done!

Dork Dancing is a grassroots mental health initiative, campaign, and community effort. We depend entirely on charitable giving to inspire impact. We hope you may consider supporting by donating.


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Digital #dorkdancing w/ Daniel