#dorkdancing in the DRIZZLE

Rainy season has arrived to Da Nang, Vietnam. For the past week, rain has taken the city over, forcing many of us indoors. The wind strong and the rain heavy. When you go outside, you do so with a willingness to get drenched and maybe even pushed around. The rain turns on and off. Sometimes light, frequently hard. Seemingly without end. Flooding may occur.

For us, we do what we know best. We are dancing with it. More specifically, #dorkdancing in the drizzle. Yes DRIZZLE, not STORM. Timing it right, being mindful of the weather forecast is important. We cancel when its heavy. We consider when it’s light. It’s our favorite mix between smart, fun, safe, and “crazy.” It’s about finding that right balance.


#dorkdancing in the drizzle starts with Ben, a dork dancer. Ben expressed not only a willingness, but an interest, to dance in the rain. Not despite of it, but because of it. Ben saw potential for #dorkdancing to be fun in this weather too. 

When it’s only a drizzle, it’s just a drizzle: it does no harm. It’s not storming all the time. With his interest, that was more than enough to schedule a Facebook event and make something official. A few days ago we held our very first drizzle, dork dance event. 

We didn’t know what to expect, or how it would be: not even the lightness or strength of the rain was an exact guarantee. All that we knew is this would be something different; we signed up with a sense of adventure. 

The speakers were covered with plastic as a kind of protection. The music on and still loud. Everything worked well enough. The rain was indeed light, but the beach looked destroyed. Nobody else was around except one or two people walking along the beach. 

At first a couple. And then more. Already enough people to have a small party. A picture here, a message there, and others confirmed their interest in joining. Soon enough, despite the unfavorable conditions our group grew to 15, a typical group size for us recently. 

It was a pleasant surprise and a fun adventure really to dare a little, dance with or without shoes, and share a basic willingness to get wet. #dorkdancing in the drizzle was fun. We all carried a sense of rebellion and shared lightness, in the midst of a few crazy stormy days. It was a nice relief for all of us.


Know that regardless of the weather, you can make the decision to dance and you don’t need to get wet or do that out in public to participate. Assuming you have a place of shelter, you have the comfort of your own room and hopefully some source of music nearby too. Let loose. Enjoy your day in, or even adventure out. 

It’s a rainy day. And the skies are gray. But we guess we’ll smile anyway!

Dork Dancing depends entirely on charitable giving. We hope you may consider supporting by either donating or shopping.


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