Dork Dancing = Happiness Habit

The science of Positive Psychology has revealed activities (when turned into habit) that boost happiness. Some of these activities include: writing down three things that you are grateful for, meditating, going on a walk, journaling, doing random acts of kindness, and exercising. These things help. 

Dancing, a kind of exercise, has been researched too. It has some INSANE (Mental) Benefits. While dancers dance, “happy chemicals” (dopamine, serotonin, endorphins) release in their brains, improving mood and reducing stress and anxiety. An entire field of therapy, called Dance Movement Psychotherapy, has evolved to tap into these benefits. It’s not difficult to understand that dancing offers a shortcut to good feelings and positive emotions.

With the objective evidence of psychological science, combined with our lived subjective experiences, we HIGHLY suggest that you may consider turning #dorkdancing into a happiness habit, something to help with your MENTAL hygiene. We know #dorkdancing can help people feel better. 

The challenge for many is twofold:

  1. Getting comfortable #dorkdancing.

  2. #dorkdancing routinely.

These things are required to reap the greatest benefit from Dork Dancing. We understand these challenge and we are here to help.

We are #dorkdancing for mental health every MONDAY online. Dancing once a week with us is a start. By dancing together each week, it’s our hope we can help you feel more comfortable to dork dance routinely. 

Joining us online, you will be accompanied by other dorks like you: people who are dancing funny to feel better. Not only are we dancing to reap its psychological rewards but to advocate for a cause and help others feel better too.

Remember, we are dancing with purpose: #dorkdancing is a mental health idea, community, and campaign. From I to We, illness becomes wellness. Hope to see you on Zoom!

Dork Dancing is a grassroots mental health idea, campaign, and community. Our efforts depend entirely on charitable giving to inspire impact. We hope you may consider supporting by donating.


What about them goals? #resilientdorks


MENTAL Hygiene