Here’s a little something that may be helpful
Consider donating.
We don’t do this for money, but money helps us grow. We would appreciate your support so we can continue doing this. Proceeds go to supporting Mily, the author, AND Dork Dancing.
Module 1: Building Self-Awareness
Exercises designed to help you explore and discover the more intimate workings of yourself.
Module 2: Taking Action
Exercises designed to help you change your unhelpful behaviors
Module 3: Writing it Out
Exercises to help you identify ‘What was,’ ‘What is,’ and ‘What will be’ by writing to versions of ourselves in the past, present, and future
Module 4: Dancing with Fear
Exercises to become more familiar with the idea of failure, and it’s surrounding fears, to dance with greater self-assurance
Module 5: Discuss
Exercises to guide topics for discussion that may be helpful to speak about with others
Module 6: Get Creative
Exercises to help guide self-expression creatively, through art
That’s all folks.
We wish you a journey full of self-discovery & growth!

“You experience life through the eyes of your mental state”
— Unknown