3. Setting Up

Woooohoooo!! You did it. You adventured outside and survived. Most likely, thrived?! Well, now we can get a bit organized and start talking logistics. It’s time to start setting up so you can build your community!

The Dork Dancing community started off of Facebook. So, let’s start again there.

Begin by creating a Dork Dancing “Name of Your Community/City” FB group. Important to make the group public, so it is easy for outsiders to view activity. Here you can download our logo and use this for the profile pic of all the social media accounts! Branding consistency is important. 

This group is where you can first begin to invite people into the community and concept. As you market/ share Dork Dancing online on your profile and different groups, encourage/ direct people to join this group. Once people join this group, you will more effectively be able to capture their attention, organize events, and make announcements. 

After creating your FB group, go ahead and create a Facebook Page under the same name Dork Dancing “Name of Your Community/City” You will be able to link your new FB page with your FB group. 

Creating a FB page will be helpful for people in your community to discover the local Dork Dancing chapter, and follow along in the journey even if they don’t want to join the group and dance. FB pages also incorporate powerful marketing tools and will give you the ability to create events. Creating events will be the most helpful use for your FB page in the beginning.

When you are finished with setting up Facebook, Instagram is next. Go ahead and reserve the name Dork Dancing “Name of Your Community/City” 

Instagram will be a good way to market Dork Dancing, but it does not have the same level of intimacy and power for community organizing as Facebook.

When getting started, Facebook will likely be more helpful, but marketing on Instagram will certainly be helpful too. Instagram is great for announcements and sharing the beauty of your new community through photos and videos. Link your new FB page with your Instagram account and you can share the same content across platforms to reach a larger audience and save time. 

When this is complete, we can create a Secret Dork Dancing “Name of Your Community/City” group on the Dork.community platform. This platform is the location where we will be building our community!

For now, you are all set to get started and build your community online!


2. Adventure Outside


4. Hosting Space