Hi, my name is Ethan and I started “Dork Dancing”
You can learn more about my story & journey starting Dork Dancing via our documentary & recent news coverage

I’m on a mission to get the world #dorkdancing for mental health because I believe it’s what the world needs

People often ask: why the half beard?
For the same reasons that I’m #dorkdancing: to inspire impact
The interesting thing about mental health is the work starts from within. I carry incredible shame & stigma — and this needs to stop. Only once we can overcome our own self-stigma can we begin to challenge the stigmas of society, at large. Problems in mental health often go undetected & that’s how stigma perpetuates. My hope is that with time and work, I can stop my stigma. I need to shine the light & make the invisible, visible. I’m not alone in carrying stigmas. For me, the half beard is a simple and effective way to spark conversation & awareness around mental health.
I’m a man and as a man I have created & contributed to a lot of problems. A lot of the problem is rooted in my inability to understand, process, and express my emotions in a healthy way. If I can learn to be more open, vulnerable, and real with my mental health — then others would benefit. I know I am not the only man with this set of challenges
Wearing half a beard & sparking conversation around mental health with friends, family and strangers has lead to some really amazing & authentic conversation. Sometimes people jump right into the deep when they are given permission to be open. That can be something surprising and healing to witness. It’s fascinating to think that wearing half a beard can leave a positive impact. People seem to remember the good conversation that results from it.
It’s a great conversation starter that then opens the floor for me to chat about Dork Dancing, and invite strangers into the community & campaign!
By wearing a half beard, I am practicing self-love over my fear of others’ judgment. Practicing this is an invaluable skill that I want to cultivate in my life. For me, the game changes when I am able to choose love. It is a choice, not an easy one, but a necessary one for healing.
This is one of the hardest things for me to do because there’s a number of things about myself that I do not like. My inability to accept is rooted in sustaining a mindset of fear: failure, humiliation, abandonment, & judgment. When I am able to get rid of the need for others’ approval, I access a new kind of psychological freedom. This feels more sustainable, reliable, and trustworthy because it comes from within. I get the sense that I am not alone in this struggle, and perfectionism in society is a big problem.
The irony is this: when I am able to accept my imperfections, I am able to relax in relief & achieve more inner & outward vibrance. Without my imperfections, I would not be human and would lose perspective on what’s good. As I can gain appreciation for the beauty of both the light & the darkness within me, I can more effectively achieve appreciation for the light & darkness within others. The half beard helps me on this journey of growth.
The half beard, although unbalanced in appearance, inspires a balanced perspective within me. It’s easy for me to get trapped in one way of thinking. I seek balance — which often means thinking about a problem or situation differently. There seems to be at least two sides to every story. Accounting for both sides empowers me with a more accurate and healthy way of thinking.
It is very easy for me to become attached to things, places, people, etc. But the reality is this: I am an earthling, merely visiting Earth for a short series of moments. Learning to detach is one of the most helpful things for me, to remind me of a larger identity beyond my mind & body. Detaching from a need to look attractive (we find physical symmetry beautiful & healthy) seems like a logical place to start in this journey.
I want to tap into more spiritual energy. Because there’s so much wisdom there. There’s yin and there’s yang. Right and wrong. Good and bad. Problem and solution. Life and death. Spiritual teachings remind me that life consists of opposites — and somehow they are both needed & coexist. Entirely different and also the same. The half beard reminds me of the irony, polarity, and duality that is life.
I really enjoy challenging the status quo and trying new things out, with the hope that can translate to positive social change. Some norms are good and others not so much. The half beard is a social experiment that mirrors judgment & acceptance. I find themes surrounding the half beard to parallel themes surrounding mental health: stigma, judgment, misunderstanding, and acceptance. I find this mirroring process productive, challenging, and fascinating.
I believe that underneath every adult is only a child that wants to play. As a kid, I felt most free when I played. As I grew into an adult, I sometimes forgot how to play. So for me, I try to make play as intentional as possible; I think I’m meant to enjoy life! It’s quite easy for me to forget to lighten up because life, at times, does feel serious. This blocks me from experiences and emotions of joy. Once I lighten up, it helps others lighten up! Time to take play…seriously?
Above all else, the half beard is a reminder. A reminder to give myself and others permission. To be myself, accept myself, and love myself. To be themselves, accept themselves, and love themselves. It’s so easy to forget. Deciding to wear the beard, each day, is an everyday reminder and practice.
People often share things that they studied, but honestly, I’m not so sure how much I even remember!