Ethan as your DORK Coach
My name is Ethan, I started #dorkdancing and I want to be your DORK Coach. While 2020 was the worst year for many, and ended the lives of millions — it was my best, most rewarding, and transformational year yet. The reason? Simply, Dork Dancing. It changed my life forever, and continues to do so. It’s a good energy that keeps on giving.
This past year I formed a new habit publicly, and danced just about every single day, alone and with friends, and it’s changed everything. Before Dork Dancing, I felt misaligned, lost, and quite frankly, lonely. It wasn’t until introducing Dork Dancing to my community in Da Nang, Vietnam that I discovered a deeper purpose and power in shared joy. Dork Dancing brings people together and when it’s shared, with friends and/or trusted strangers, it really yields transformative benefits.
This past year I focused on building community. Over 800 people, strangers at first, dork danced with me on the beach for a mental health cause. You can read stories, watch videos, and look at pictures to preview a bit of the magic from this past year.
The more the community grew in Da Nang, the stronger my conviction became that Dork Dancing should spread to cities across the world. But, admittedly, inspiring that growth in different locations has been difficult, especially with this new variant and never-ending lockdowns across the world. My hope is in due time, Dork Dancing will be successfully introduced and adopted in new communities. Despite my eagerness, I practice patience and enjoy the process because that’s what life is ultimately about.
Dork Dancing reminds me of the bigger things in life while actively changing my life for the better. I believe in it so much because I have experienced its benefits first hand. More than anything, I want to extend its benefits to you. That’s why I’m starting on a new journey, developing this DORK Coaching concept, focused on cultivating happy habits.
My hope with DORK Coaching is threefold: 1. Support people with their mental health by inspiring a daily practice of Dork Dancing & other positive habits 2. Introduce the concept to more/ new people so they can help spread the idea & build DORK communities 3. Experiment with a new source of revenue to fuel the growth of Dork Dancing.
Dork Dancing works. I know this. And I’m on a mission to get people to try this. In 2020-2021, I carried a goal to build a community between 500-1500 people. At 800+, this goal was achieved.
For next year, I am shifting my target. Now I will experiment on coaching. While Dork Dancing this morning, I had an idea: 1 coach, 100 players. This will be my goal for June 2021 - June 2022. In this process, I hope to inspire people to DORK Dance and develop other habits to cultivate happy, healthy lives. More details on this goal, and my offers, to follow.