Xin chào! My name is Tram and…

I am #dorkdancing for mental health

I get this line from people all the time: “Wow. You look really mature for your age.” I still don’t really know if it is a good or a bad thing. So normally I will just reply as it’s an obvious thing. Although I might be young, I have been through different types of experiences that changed my life in such ways. Here are some most essential ones that I would like to share with you.
Back in primary school, I used to be bullied by my classmates starting with my best friends, both in person and online. I wonder how you and others would respond when, or if, you got bullied. Personally, I tried everything from fighting, negotiating, to silently suffering.
Going to school was a nightmare for me. I was called the cruelest names, as well as thrown into the trash and robbed. I remember crying everyday during that period. I was so hurt during this time, my trust in people faded significantly. Now that I have grown up, I still find it difficult to open up with others.
I tried everything from fighting, negotiating, to silently suffering
Things went fine for a while until secondary school, when another traumatic event happened. My father passed away from cancer. As you could imagine, for a 12 year-old-kid, what occurred definitely was a real big loss. Everything happened within 3 months, from the moment my family found out that my dad had cancer. In a blink of the eye, we lost him. The event caused me PTSD. Since then, I experience quite often the fear of losing people. It's not easy for me to accept the fact that in life, "people come and go."
Therefore, after all, I am really grateful for still having loving people in my life. I have learned from the past to be more passionate and show more love to the people around me, especially my family. To anyone who is reading my story, I really hope that you can give more love and care to your family and important people in your life. Because we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but we can fully live for the present.
Despite all of those losses and pain I am happy with what I have learned, and who I have become today.
To anyone who is reading my story, I really hope that you can give more love and care to your family and important people in your life. Because we don’t know what tomorrow will bring
Dancing is a big part of who I am today. For me, dancing has been something helpful to cope with my pain. Ever since I was a little kid, I have always been keen on dancing. I even tried to dress up to sing and dance in front of the mirror like a pop star, hehehe…
Why am I so fond of dancing you may ask? Well..whenever I dance, I am really happy. I use it as a way to explore and express how I feel inside. I love music. Dancing and music is the best combination for me to cherish. In my perspective, I see dancing as a "moving meditation." It helps both mentally and physically, to feel peaceful and balanced.
I enjoy moving, dancing, with myself and together, with others but have struggled with the fear of being judged by others. How I move, not feeling comfortable enough to freely move my body. I wanted to achieve a higher level of dancing, but needed more comfort. It wasn’t until Dork Dancing that this changed.

I first discovered Dork Dancing on the beach where I have a habit of walking around with earphones on. In early July, before the second lockdown, as usual I was walking, then out of the blue, I saw a group of people dancing like “crazy” people next to a small speaker.
Despite all of the strange looks from others, everyone was jamming to the songs so carefree. In my head I thought the event was kind of odd, but so much fun. I told myself I definitely will join one day.
Finally I gave up my hesitation. I eventually participated in Dork Dancing. At first, I was still shy, I didn't dare talk to anyone, plus I could only move myself a bit.
Look at me now!! I have become such a professional Dork Dancer: I can easily dance in public like no ones around, no more shame, only joy and freedom. I used to think I was going to be judged if I joined DD. But, it's completely the OPPOSITE. Nobody judges anyone. Everyone vibes and supports each other.

To be honest, I didn't expect to achieve this many things when I decided to give DD a try. My first goal was just to step out of my comfort zone.
But from Dork Dancing, I met new amazing people such as Lan, Thai, Bora (Tram), Bence, Ram, Ethan, and more...We've become good friends. I can share my personal issues with them, ask for advice, have good hangouts together.
It doesn't stop there, Dork Dancing somehow is like a connecting string, between me and others as well as me and my spirit. Moreover, I could overcome shyness along with being able to freely move my body, which helps me a lot in my professional dancing career .

Above all, DD has made a great positive impact on my mental wellness. Dancing with dorks brings my negative thoughts and anxiety away. It also gives me the fire to my soul, lights me up from the coldest place and helps heal a broken heart at my lowest points.
“Without DD everything would be much more difficult. I am so thankful for being a part of this amazing crew. I am also really happy to see that we are growing together as such a healthy and supportive community for mental health.”

You can call me MENTAL
Keep Tram & others #dorkdancing for mental health
This is a grassroots mental health movement. Community organizing, equipment, and time invested are all driven by charitable giving. We need your support to grow #dorkdancing more sustainably & powerfully.