Warning: Dork Dancing is a Workout


Dork Dancing started for mental health: that’s why we dance. But the mind & body are deeply, and intricately, interlinked. Yes, our intention is to have fun, let loose, and advocate but in that process, something else happens. We accidentally workout as well. It’s just flat out impossible not to. 

At the end of each dance session, dork dancers are quick to compare levels of exhaustion and sweat. How much are you sweating? How out of breath are you? Do you need some water?

That tiredness, sweat, and thirst at the end of our dance events reveals that Dork Dancing really is a workout. What’s amazing is this workout doesn’t feel like “work” at all. It almost feels unintentional! 

Most of us don’t go to dork dancing to workout, per say. And yet...it is! We end up dancing for at least an hour, and sometimes when feeling really good, we go for 90 minutes straight! 

That’s one of the many beauties of the dork dancing practice. You get lost in the fun of it and come out the other side with a stronger, healthier body.

It’s like a traditional workout, but reversed. Most go to the gym for the physical benefits, yet gain mental ones in addition. For us, we go dork dancing for the mental benefits, and happen to make physical gains too.

There’s a reason why some schools (in Spain for instance) teach dance as part of physical education. Dance is physical movement, expressed through the body: and dance is good for it.


What’s awesome is that dance grounds us and lifts us higher. Yes, dancing lifts our spirits. That’s how we sweat so much, and what makes this workout really something special.

If you desire to not only feel some feelings of joy & freedom, but also to lose weight, build strength & stamina, and live longer (and make some good friends in that process), then dork dancing may be a good practice for you.

We all learned exercise is fundamental to our wellbeing. Well, dancing is exercise and apparently (observationally & scientifically), it’s a real workout too. Good for the body, mind, spirit, and heart. Bring the water, wear the good shoes & sport the sweatband. You will need it. You’ve been warned.

Dork Dancing depends entirely on charitable giving. We hope you may consider supporting. We offer some fun rewards too.


Start in Your Room


The Dance Myth that is Holding You Back