Introducing Dork Improv

Within our Dork community, we are working to embrace our “inner dorks.” We are curious: what does our inner dork look like and how can we best tap into that? By dancing, we are experimenting with these questions; giving ourselves permission to let loose. But the ethos of dork, we know, extends beyond dancing; instead, it’s a mindset and attitude. Self-discovery emerges most effectively through a combination of activities and new experiences. For this reason, we are opening the doors to new possibilities and ideas. Our latest dork experiment: improv. 


It’s safe to say most of us dorks have no experience with improvisation, but we are intrigued. The definition of improvisation is as follows: something that is created and performed (music, drama, or verse) spontaneously or without preparation. In this kind of space, it seems that planning, overthinking, and perfectionism are seriously challenged. We think this challenge is needed; a kind of activity perfectly suited for dorks on a journey of growth. Spontaneity, flexibility, humor, imagination: these are real-world skills that improvisation offers, the kinds of skills that will help dorks’ sense of confidence and feelings of emotional success. 


The idea of Dork Improv isn’t coming out of nowhere. Nope. It’s coming from Johan. Johan is a leader in the Da Nang community, leading the Da Nang Drama Society and Da Nang 101 while doing cool things like Acro-yoga, comedy, and MC’ing community events on the side. Johan has nearly 20 years of professional experience in drama and improvisation. 


For Johan, drama/improv is an exploration and expression of deeper topics. That’s where his connection to our mental health mission fits in. That’s why he’s proposing and offering this space as a new Dork event for our community. 

Johan reminds us that Drama Therapy is a thing, and that many people (like himself) are attracted to drama for its therapeutic benefits. “Drama therapy uses role play, voice work, movement, and storytelling to help [participants] explore and solve personal and social problems” (source). The more we seek to understand drama therapy and the role it can play in boosting mental health, the more excited we feel. 

For now, we are improvising, taking it one step at a time. Our first Dork Improv event will be hosted on February 24th. Led by Johan, this will be a 2 hour workshop, with availability limited to 12 dorks. The minimum donation is $1 (or 20,000VND) to help cover costs. For those in Da Nang, hope to see you there!

Dork Dancing is a grassroots mental health initiative, campaign, and community effort. We depend entirely on charitable giving to inspire impact. We hope you may consider supporting by donating.


Documenting Something BIG: 2, 3, 7, 12, 28, 44 and…?!


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