Introducing Dork Games

Dorks got together for Dinner. There we met Baris. Baris loves to play games. He introduced this game, called Werewolf, to us. We love this game, and other games too, so we are creating a new dork event, called Dork Games, with Baris as our Dork Host. 


Like our other events, the purpose of this sub-Dork community is to do something good for mental health. Games, we find, is a great way to play while bringing people closer together. We know this because we have experienced it firsthand. When we play Werewolf at Dork Dinners, it’s a great time.

On Week 6 of Dork Dinners, we first played. Baris explained the rules, most of us confused to start. It only took one short game for us to understand. Yes, this was interesting. Yes, it was a lot of fun. WHO IS THE WEREWOLF?! The hunt, the nerves, the suspicion, the lies, the laughs. It all begins.  


Much to analyze, fear, and wonder. Who is our friend and who is our foe? A beautiful intermix of play. It didn’t take long for us to get hooked. When would we play next? And so we played another time. Very fun, again. Yes, and when again? 

Evidence of interest sparked more. Baris, and his new community of Dorks, is interested in continuing the good times, working to find these Werewolves. In the future, we may introduce new games. For now, we have a favorite. We, as a community, are really impressed by the game and its potential for creating a lighthearted, social, and fun experience. 


Can you recall the last time you played games with friends? How was that experience? We predict positive. Why? Because games with friends is fun, helping deepen social relationships. Good games + good company = good for mental health. That’s why we are introducing Dork Games to our Dork community. Excited for the journey with Baris and fellow Dork Gamers!

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