Introducing Dork Events

Dork Dancing started in Da Nang to advocate for mental health. In a matter of weeks, we discovered we could do more than just dance. So we started offering other events too, let’s call them: Dork Events. The events evolved naturally, and progressively, one leading to the other. 


Dork Dancing is a daily event (hosted by Ethan) where people come together in the open public, dance like a dork, and let loose in a judgement-free zone. In 2 short months, dork dancing built a community of over 130 people who shared an interest in dancing for mental health. We wanted to do more with these people than just dance, to share meaningful and intentional conversation as well. That’s where our next event comes in, Dork Meetups.

Dork Meetups is a weekly event (hosted by Mily) where people find a purposeful space to reflect, share, and grow together around mental health challenges. Dorks work through activities that might help answer questions such as ‘Who are you?’ ‘Why are you the way you are?’ ‘And what can you do to become who you want to be?’ It’s a support group that takes action.

When we don't have the words to express what's going on internally, we speak with our hands and create art. That’s where our next event comes in, Dork Art.

Dork Art is a bi-weekly event (hosted by Kyana) where people create art to explore and express themselves, and mental health topics, through creative projects, like role-playing, theatrical performances, poetry, and music. The hope is to break barriers, connect with others, and inspire one another. It’s not just for artists, it’s for everyone who wants to explore artistic expression. Here you can learn more about Why Dorks Make Art.

Dorks can keep their stories in private, or share and connect. That’s where our next event comes in, Dork Speakups.

Dork Speakups is effectively an open mic night, where dorks take the stage to tell their personal stories in the name of mental health.

Dork events are all free events and they all share the same mission: to overcome challenges in mental health. With COVID19, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and suicide are on the rise. We are on a mission to change that.

Dork events started with dancing, but dorks do much more than that. They are multidimensional and complex. The idea of “Dork” is an emerging mental health awareness campaign and we hope you can take part in our events.


Why Dorks Make Art


How Dork Dancing Builds Good Relationships