INSANE (Mental) Benefits

From the outside, dork dancing looks like a workout, and yes indeed it is. And so you gain all kinds of INSANE (Physical) benefits from dancing. But the reason why we are out dancing in public is not to lose weight, gain muscle, and get physically fit (although we do). No, we are on a different mission. We are #dorkdancing for mental health. 

It’s a workout of, and for, the mind (otherwise known as our brain, an unseen part of our bodies and physical health). Mental health, or brain health, motivates everything that we do.

We are dancing for the mental health of ourselves and others: otherwise we would not be dancing out in the open public.


Dork Dancing is mental health advocacy. What’s unique about this is we are gaining the very thing we are advocating for in the process of advocating. It’s something beautiful in that way. 

By dancing, our mental health is improving as we are encouraging others to do the same. We believe in this so strongly because we have gained some INSANE (Mental) benefits ourselves. You can read how dancing & dork dancing has impacted our mental health through our stories, as personal testaments


But our subjective experiences are more than just singular observational experiences. When you combine a lot of similar observations, that turns into data with intriguing patterns. The subjective experience becomes more objective. What starts as something fictional and untested transitions to something more scrutinized, with a quality of fact.

Yes, our stories are validated in dance mental health science. The data gives us confidence to say this: dancing actively combats mental illness while building mental wellness. Heck, there’s an entire field called Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) devoted entirely to dance as therapeutic intervention. It’s evidence-based and used as treatment in clinical settings.

This can benefit everyone. Not only the sick, but those who want to simply improve their wellbeing. It’s the best idea to be proactive, rather than reactive, in concerns of mental health, because anyone and everyone is susceptible to falling ill (contrary to traditional belief). 

Concerns of mental illness are not exclusive (although they do discriminate), because nobody, not even celebrities & athletes, is invulnerable. Think Robin Williams or Anthony Bordeaux. You would never think “success” is mentally ill too. You can look outwardly healthy in one moment (with all of the world’s success) and fall sick, committing suicide the next. This affects everyone; we are only human. 

Dork Dancing, a kind of dance therapy, presents an opportunity to help boost our mental health immune system, protecting us from psychological danger.

Depression is the psychological danger that poses the greatest threat. According to the United Nations, it is predicted to be the number one most threatening and globally burdensome disease by 2030. Presently, it's ranked 3rd of all diseases. Depression is the most widespread form of mental illness and it’s responsible for the vast majority of cases that lead to suicide, a leading cause of death worldwide. We think it’s smart to dance with depression; science validates dance as therapeutic and helpful.

Unsurprisingly, dance helps with anxiety too, which is the leading mental illness in the United States, affecting around 48 million adults (18+), or roughly 20% of the population, each year (source: National Alliance on Mental Illness). 


Dance therapy is even recognized as being helpful in response to trauma-induced stress and substance abuse. Dancing helps people shift focus away from chemical dependencies. Instead, dancing centers focus into peoples’ bodies, something we can explore and ultimately control within ourselves. 

The more you dance, the more comfort you experience relating to the world around you. As anxiety and depression dwindles, self-esteem rises. It's a mood booster and a confidence builder that can last.

You don’t need to be mentally ill to reap tremendous benefits from dancing. Self-esteem, confidence, and overall well-being: these are ideas that everyone can benefit from, something everyone wants. 

People want to live good lives. Our understanding of mental health is evolving. Psychology is no longer about curing sickness. Now, there’s a more positive approach that leads to flourishing. 

This new perspective on mental health has emerged thanks to a new field within psychology, called Positive Psychology. This is the science of wellbeing. 

Positive psychologists study elements of a flourishing life and derive practical, actionable solutions to measure and enhance wellbeing. There’s things within our control to guide us in living a “good life.” When applied, positive psychology helps people live better, more fulfilling, happier lives.

Dork Dancing will not solve all your problems, but it's an incredible technique, rooted in principles from positive psychology, that are scientifically proven to build resilience and improve your quality of life. It’s exercise for both the mind and body. It’s insanely, almost stupid, simple. And we love that because it makes things easier and it works. 

Dork Dancing has some INSANE (Mental) benefits. Hope you decide to engage with our practice, community, and campaign so you and others too can reap its rewards. 

Dork Dancing depends entirely on charitable giving. We hope you may consider supporting by either donating or shopping.


VEGAN Dork Dinners 1 Month Review


Why Dance + Mental Health Advocacy Go Together