“Dork” Dancing = “Free” Dancing

“Dork.” It’s a word that is difficult to translate and challenging to explain. But then it made sense. Here in Vietnam, we started using another word to help. “Free.” Yes Dork Dancing is free dancing, this is what we wanted to explain. 

The difference in language was noticeable. At first, onlookers watched our dancing with both smiles and a confused face, wondering what the heck we were doing and why. We changed some details on our business card and it made all the difference. Ahhhh free dancing, yes I understand. 

Dork Dancing exists to help people break free and lighten the load of life’s stressors. It’s a purposeful kind of dance, starting as a fun way to combat challenges in mental health. It’s more than just dancing like a dork. It’s advocating for something bigger. 

When you dork dance, you are challenging the status quo. You are letting go of anxieties & feelings of self-doubt and stepping into the beauty of you. It’s a personal statement and a mental health awareness campaign.


Dancing is a difficult thing and often traditional dancing settings give little room for folks who just want to be free from judgment — dancing in their own, unique way. Dork Dancing (DD) is for people who want to challenge that setting, especially for those who feel like they don’t fit in. We get that.

We welcome a class of dancers who feel ridiculous moving their bodies. Dork Dancing = Free Dancing: there’s no better way to explain it and no right or wrong way to do it. 

DD cannot be identified on the outside, but on the inside. The spirit is captured within that feeling of dance anxiety. It’s identified and defined within you — not by anybody else. There’s no particular moves or way to do it. Everything counts! So long as you move something, anything. It can be a finger. It can be a leg. It can be a hip. It can be a head. No steps, no rules, no rhythm, nor reason. Just dorking. 

Sometimes DD can evolve, or grow, into something else, other kinds of dancing, and that’s good too. DD may even encourage you to try other types of “advanced” dancing, but it starts here, with you moving anything. Just do you. Authentically, unapologetically you. It’s fun discovering what that looks like while learning that’s what the world needs too.

If you can afford to support the growth of Dork Dancing, so this practice and community can spread more powerfully, consider donating. Thanks for reading and showing interest in how Dork Dancing equates to free dancing.

Dork Dancing depends entirely on charitable giving. We hope you may consider supporting. We offer some fun rewards too.


Why & How Dork Dancing Began in Da Nang


How Dork Dancing Began