for Mental Health

Vision: Create a world in which everyone has reason to dance.

Mission: To improve the mental health and well-being of all people by challenging judgments, fears, and stigmas and increasing opportunities for connection, care, and play through the power of dance.

Values: Service, Play, Inclusion, Community, Empathy

As Recently Featured

Dork dancing is a judgment free dance movement & mental health advocacy campaign where celebration & activism meet for a healthier, happier & more harmonious world.

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On a MENTAL Mission

We are coming together against challenges such as stigma, suicide, depression, loneliness, distress, insecurity, violence, anxiety, trauma, grief, and addiction.


Our Dance

Dork Dancing is free dancing, sober; it’s a new kind of dance therapy. It doesn’t matter how you move. We are trading judgment for acceptance; really, move however you would like, there’s no right or wrong way. Many try to avoid looking like a dork, here we are embracing that.

What We Are Doing

Strangers are coming together #dorkdancing for mental health in public spaces (soon to a neighborhood Near YOU)!

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And we’re having a lot of fun doing it.

We are building community, care and connection and forging a culture of play, openness & togetherness that dissolves mental health stigma, cultivates resilience, and reveals strength. In about 4 years, we estimate to have built a community of over 5,000 dork dancers.

Who We Are


Mental health advocates practicing love over fear. Dorks are no longer what they used to be. We are changing the meaning of dork. Learn more about this change.

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We are opening up, sharing our stories, to combat stigma. Everyone has a MENTAL story.

Join the community & campaign


Bring #dorkdancing for mental health to the streets of your community

We are in the early stages. Everything is funded through charity. Friends, family, and fools: we need help with this!

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Back the Campaign

Connect & Support

Hi, my name is Ethan and I started Dork Dancing. I am here to help support others in their mental health journeys. I am available for meeting, speaking engagements, interviews, etc. Simultaneously, I need help with strategy, business plan, growth, volunteers, partnerships, etc. Feel free to schedule a time for us to connect below!