2. Review the Basics
Vision (Why?)
To end stigma, illness, and inequity in mental health for happier and healthier brains because quality of mental health is the difference between a life well-lived and a life lost. For us, mental health motivates everything that we do.
Mission (How?)
Get the world #dorkdancing for mental health to overcome challenges such as suicide, depression, loneliness, distress, anxiety, trauma, grief, addiction, etc. We are building community, care and connection and forging a culture of play, openness & togetherness that dissolves mental health stigma, cultivates resilience, and reveals strength.
Idea (What?)
Dork dancing is a free dance movement & mental health advocacy campaign where celebration & activism meet for a more joyous & just world. Dork Dancing is free dancing, sober; it’s a new kind of dance therapy. It doesn’t matter how you move. We are trading judgment for acceptance; really, move however you would like, there’s no right or wrong way. Many try to avoid looking like a dork, here we are embracing that. See Photos — See Videos
Other Dork Events
We also organize a bunch of other DORK events to help with mental health in alternative ways. We built an ecosystem of 9 different dork events, 5 of which occur every week: Vegan Dork Dinners, Resilient Dorks, Dork Sports, Dork Games, and of course Dork Dancing. Other experiments include Improv, Dating, Trips, and Art.
Core Values & Beliefs
Dance with Purpose
Embrace the Dork
Move and be Moved
Lead with Curiosity & Observe
Practice Love over Fear
Invest in Joy Justice
Connect & Support
Focus on Community
Be MENTAL Positive
Dream Big
Find your Kid & Play
Bring the Speakers