Half Beard…?

…but why?

Inspire Impact.

  • Problems in mental health often go undetected. That’s how stigma perpetuates. It’s time to stop the stigma and shine the light — making the invisible, visible. The half beard is a simple and effective way to spark conversation around mental health.

  • A lot of social problems are rooted in men’s inability to understand, process, and express their emotions in a healthy way. If men can learn to be more open, vulnerable, and real with their mental health — everyone would benefit.

  • Wearing half a beard & sparking conversation around mental health with friends, family and strangers leads to some really amazing & authentic conversation. Sometimes people jump right into the deep when they are given permission to be open and that can be something surprising and healing. Imagine that — leaving a positive impact because of your facial hair. People seem to remember the good conversation that results from it.

  • By wearing a half beard, we are practicing self-love over fear of others’ judgment. Practicing this is an invaluable skill worth cultivating in life. It changes the game when we choose love, for ourselves and others. And it is a choice, not an easy one, but a necessary one for healing.

  • Perfectionism in society is a big problem. And it’s rooted in sustaining mindsets of fear: failure, humiliation, judgment. When we can let go of our need for others’ approval, we access a new kind of psychological freedom. Something that is more sustainable, reliable, and trustworthy. It comes from within.

  • Not only is your imperfection acceptable — it’s what makes you beautiful. Without the imperfections, you would not be human and would lose perspective on what’s good. When we can see the entire picture, the beauty of imperfection becomes more vibrant. Learning to see the beauty in imperfection is where the magic comes from — maybe wearing a half beard can help with that growth.

  • The half beard, although unbalanced in appearance, can inspire a balanced perspective. It’s so easy to get trapped in one way of thinking. What’s required is a balanced perspective and that often means thinking about a problem or situation differently. There seems to be at least two sides to every story. Accounting for both sides gives us a more accurate and healthy way of thinking.

  • In modern society, it is quite easy to become attached to things, places, people, etc. But unfortunately — or fortunately? — we are all just visiting Earth for a short series of moments. Learning to detach from things can be something helpful to remind ourselves of a shared larger identity beyond body & mind. Detaching from a need to look physically symmetrical is a logical place to start.

  • There’s yin and there’s yang. Right and wrong. Good and bad. Life and death. Spiritual teachings remind us that life consists of opposites — and somehow they are both needed. Entirely different and also the same. The half beard can remind us of this duality.

  • It’s something good to challenge the status quo and try new things out for the sake of positive social change. Some norms are good and others not so much. The half beard is an experiment and results reflect the perspectives and judgments of the people who hold them — a direct mirror of our collective mental health.

  • Why? Why not? It’s just facial hair — and yet so much more! Life is meant to be enjoyed. It’s quite easy for us to forget to lighten up because we take life so seriously. That can block us from experiences and emotions of joy. Once we lighten up, we can light it up! For ourselves and others.

  • Above all else, the half beard is a reminder. A reminder to give yourself and others permission to be themselves, accept themselves, and love themselves and their lives. It’s so easy to forget. Deciding to wear the beard, each day, is an everyday reminder and practice.